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Darren Wong

PhD Candidate

Darren is a PhD candidate who is studying the fisheries ecology of Rock Flathead, Platycephalus laevigatus, in south-eastern Australia. His project uses an integrated approach comprising of different methods to investigate the stock structure or rock flathead in Corner Inlet, Victoria. Funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC), it iincludes a genetic component, where he will be using a combination of SNP genotyping and otolith microchemistry to determine the population delineation of the species around the region.

Darren has been with Deakin for several years now, completing both his Bachelor of Science (Fisheries & Aquaculture) and Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) with the university. His honours focused on an age and growth study on Antarctic skate species (Bathyraja spp.). He has a keen interest in aquaculture and fisheries science and works closely together with numerous project partners on several different species, including fin-fish, crustaceans and molluscs. 

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